Doing A 180

When you finally reach a goal, it makes all the hard work finally worth it.

The past week and a half, I have been on a more strict diet than usual. I’ve been trying to lose the last couple of pounds to my first goal weight before leaving for vacation tomorrow. These pounds were being awfully stubborn and not coming off easily. The diet was making hangry. I was getting tired of lettuce and spinach and boring foods. I always had a craving for something, not necessarily hungry, just craving. Basically, I was a being a bitch and unfortunately taking it out on my boyfriend.

But good thing he’s the best that’s ever happened to me and just let it slide!  He’s been on this diet too and while he is a silent complainer, I made it very known what I was craving and what I wanted. But he was firm with me and kept reminding me of the goal. The goal that I at one point said I didn’t want anymore, which wasn’t true.

Well, after the struggle that I don’t want to go through again, I reached my goal! Actually, I’m relatively well under my goal. Wednesday morning I had a pound until I reached 180lbs and this morning I was a 178.6lbs. Goodbye water weight!

Reaching my goal isn’t only exciting because I reached a goal by deadline I had set for myself, but it’s also a motivator. I was getting discouraged and just wanted to eat what I felt like. I was tired (mentally) of eating less and working out more. This was not a good mindset to walk into vacation with, where food will already be a little more unhealthy and working out a little hard.

But now I’m motivated to keep going and to be good the whole! My mood is completely different from earlier this week and it’s a good mindset to walk in to vacation with.

Workout: 2.4 miles at 10.25/mi pace; 18 minutes on an elliptical; ab exercises

Something Good: I went above and beyond (under and below?) my goal weight!

Something Bad: There’s still one more day of work after this before vacation

What I’m Reading: Lord Foulgrin’s Letters by Randy Alcorn ( written as an updated version of The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis)

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